解趣游戏,探古智慧 Fun with Traditional Chinese Puzzle Games

Are you a fan of puzzle games? Apart from jigsaw puzzles and Rubik’s Cubes, would you like to know more about traditional Chinese puzzle games? Join us, as we explore the origins and game rules of Chinese classic games! Find out more at our free Chinese Cultural Workshop! 你喜欢玩益智游戏吗?除了拼图和魔方,你还知道哪些益智游戏?本次华族文化主题分享会将向大家介绍一些有趣的中国传统益智游戏。快来参加华中国际学校中文部举办的华族文化主题分享会吧! 入场免费。

云游故宫,趣谈风水 Fengshui Secrets of The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is known by the world for its architectural beauty. What is the Fengshui philosophy behind the Forbidden City, on top of its magnificent architecture and profound cultural and historical background? Find out more at our free Chinese Cultural Workshop! 故宫之美,举世闻名,除了气势恢宏的建筑之美和底蕴深厚的文化之美,你还知道故宫蕴含的风水哲学吗?快来参加华中国际学校中文部举办的华族文化主题分享会吧! 入场免费。

小六会考成绩一般 双胞兄弟发奋考出春天


寻根之旅 Workshop on Chinese Surnames & Dialects in Singapore

Do you know what the various Chinese dialects in Singapore are? Do you know the origin of your surname? Discover your roots with us! 作为一名新加坡华人,你知道自己来自哪里吗?你会讲自己的方言吗?快来参加华中国际学校中文部主办的华族文化主题线上分享会吧!

游于书艺 Workshop on Chinese Calligraphy

Join us in our online Chinese calligraphy workshop to know more about the story behind Chinese calligraphy and how it is related to us! 作为一名在多元文化融合社会里成长的新加坡华人,我们可以通过学习中文书法提升文化修养。其实,中文书法在新加坡有非常悠久的历史渊源以及广受欢迎,你想知道它们的故事吗?其实它离我们生活很近!

CNA Digital Brand Story – Educating the next generation: The ‘cool’ factor

Choosing a school that parents and tweens (or teens) agree on might sound hard. But it’s possible to find common ground.

Few students applying for scholarships at international schools with local roots HCIS and SJIIHS

The scholarships are worth up to six figures, but not enough students are applying for them, with fewer recipients than awards available each year.

HCIS scholarship holder thrived in school, got perfect score for IB

Hwa Chong International School (HCIS) alumna Yeo Yeo grew up in Brunei but sought to pursue higher education in Singapore, where she was born. The Singaporean wanted to be in the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme as she was drawn to its emphasis on independent learning, project work and research work.
