Straits Times Branded Content – Global mindset, Asian values and close-knit support: How students at this international school are being equipped for the future

By offering students a home away from home, Hwa Chong International School encourages strong bonds of friendship while bringing together the best of Asian culture and a dynamic curriculum.

武侠文化 Wuxia Culture

Do you enjoy films or movies featuring highly skilled martial arts swordsmen in the Ancient China era? Let’s have fun and find out more about martial arts in literature and movies in our Chinese Cultural Workshop organised by the Chinese Department of Hwa Chong International School. Admission is free! 你喜欢的是神功绝技,还是行侠仗义的精神,让我们一同快意江湖,笑谈武侠文学与电影。欢迎大家参加华中国际学校中文部举办的华族文化主题分享会! 入场免费!
