
Traditional Chinese Seasonal Wellness​

Mother Nature has the power to nurture and empower. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that we are able to strengthen our body and mind by adjusting our diet with the different seasons. Come and join us for this workshop to find out how we can improve our health! We will be inviting TCM practitioners on-site to share insights on TCM wellness, and even provide personalised advice if time permits. There will also be flower tea appreciation!

Please note that this workshop will be conducted in Chinese.

Date: 15 April 2023 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
School Address: 681 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 269782
Event Venue: HCIS Main Building, Seminar Room
Register here: https://forms.gle/FGZrU6F7uE6nJu42A

自然万物的存在及变化有其自身的规律。一年有四季,天地阴阳变化。通过对起居、饮食、情志等生命活动方式的调整,结合人自身的生理特点,遵循大自然的规律应天顺时,达到与自然和谐统一的健康状态。华中国际学校华文部诚邀所有家长,校友以及对华族文化感兴趣的朋友和我们一起分享四季养生的心得。本次活动会名额有限,欢迎大家踊跃报名! 入场免费。

活动日期: 2023年 04月 15日 (星期六)
活动时间: 上午10:00 – 11:30
地址: 681 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 269782
活动场地: HCIS Main Building, Seminar Room
感兴趣的朋友请点击以下的链接: https://forms.gle/FGZrU6F7uE6nJu42A
