HCIS Graduates


YOU, our alumni, will always be welcomed as a part of

The HCIS Family.

We look forward to staying connected even as your exciting life and professional

journeys take you far beyond HCIS’ corridors and classrooms.

Nothing puts a bigger smile on our faces than hearing about your latest adventure OR venture.
HARNESS the networks within our growing family of illustrious alumni. Look for work or growth opportunities, expand your perspectives and learn about the latest trends in industries local, regional or global.
CONNECT and re-connect! With fellow alumni, ex-classmates, teachers and non-teaching staff who have been an unforgettable part of your student life. Find out how they’re doing, revive friendships and make new memories together.

INSPIRE those who come after you by sharing your tertiary or work experiences, through virtual or in-person talks and events. Your stories are fodder for your juniors’ imagination and courage – to overcome challenges and break new ground.

SUPPORT and mentor fellow alumni. Be that leverage who could pave the way for alumni looking for an internship opening or perhaps, a critical resource. Now that you’ve come so far, you have so much to contribute!


Sign up to stay connected with our Academic Counselling Team and leverage on your professional network by engaging with your fellow schoolmates!
