Lifeline Singapore has been very supportive of the HCIS Korean Boarders. The volunteer counselors have established a close relationship with the regular attendees of the Resilience Program. Participants are more active and comfortable during the group sharing sessions.
On 25 July 2024, the session focused on highlighting the core values of the Korean boarders. They were reminded and affirmed of their strengths and positive characteristics. The participants were very excited to decorate their LED lamps. They chose a symbol that would remind them of their values. Last 15 August 2024, the Korean boarders created a mind map of their favorite things that allowed them to understand the importance of self-care better. The volunteer counselors reminded them to relax, recharge, and have a balanced life.
As always, meaningful sessions culminate with good Korean meals prepared by the volunteers. The boarders always leave the meeting room with a full stomach and happy heart. The fifth and final session will happen in October and the Korean boarders look forward to another worthwhile session with Lifeline.
Here is the feedback (English and Korean versions) from the students who have participated in the event.